So I'm like REAAAALLLY board and don't really have much going on that I can blog about. So I thought hey....why don't I tell everyone about some femboy friendly skins. There are a lot out there....but I'm gonna give you a few examples of my top favs. <3
Staring at the top here we have Baby in Tone B by The Sugar Garden. .tsg. makes their flat chest appliers in all of their normal skin tones. I'm not sure if Vampy Tone has the flat chest yet. Also SLink appliers are for sale there as well! <3
Next we have Sora-Flushed in Peach by Pink Fuel! I.....forgot to put undies on this one sorry ya'll ; 3 ;! Pink Fuel offers their Flat Chest Appliers in two boi body types which I'll show more below. Sora is a new skin and is being offered in some very differently adorable tones as of right now.
Here we have Harley in Vanilla by Pink Fuel again! Also I forgot to mention Pink Fuel also sells appliers for SLink hands and feet. <3 In the top right corner is the regular Boi tattoo applier then the one directly below is the athletic one. Hnnnn that detail no? |D
And lastly we have Eun-Seo in Tone X also by The Sugar garden. This was the most recent release. Friggen cute! <3
*Helpful advice: Some of Pink Fuel's and all of .tsg.'s skins still have the lady parts drawn on the skin. They where intended for use by WOMEN. Demo the skins first before going MUST HAVE and not liking what you see. Just cover up with some cute undies and you're good to go! Or ignore it like I do cus I just love these two designers soooo much! * 3 *
Also if you're looking for something a little more boyish or more defined muscles, I'd check out :::Dimbula Rose::: or [Gauze]!
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. :o Just being polite~
So a LOOOOT of different sims are doing egg hunts! WOO! The one I did was the Ozimals one! It's only got till the 23rd till it's OVER! So get to hunting! NOW >:O!
Lots of really great designers are giving out prizes there. Get a group going! It's really freaking fun. Like legit!
Lemme show ya'll my goodies! Just a taste kay'? = 3 =
A little decor shot for ya guys to start with! <3 See those little burds? Like em? Well they are by ~silentsparrow~! Two pair of burds (one girl, one boy) comes in a set, giving you three sets you need to find. How about those matching egg-ccessories? :D;; Well those are suppose to match with the Burds. These are by Schadenfreude! Again these cuties also come two to set with three sets total! And the furniture? The three prizes from [PM] Pixel Mode!
SL did not want to work with me today ; x ; Sorry for the dark quality. RAINBOW SNIFFING! Is the name of the face tattoo. One of three prizes from Fallen Gods Inc.! This one just happened to be my fav.....hmmm I wonder why...? > 3 >;; Lastly we have two stunning rustic painted bangles by + Half Deer + <3<3<3<3<3!
Once again ladies and only have till the 23rd to get this hunt done!
Also I want to do ONE more shout out, A good SL frand of mine just started blogging! :D She's super cute so GO FOLLOW HER! Everyone say HAI to Valkyria~<3! She's only got one post right now but theres more to come! So look forward to it! Buh bye for now! <3
So I'm sure almost everyone out there has heard of <UTILIZATOR>'s Avatar 2.0. I've always wanted it....but it was female only a little while back. I've heard rumors of there being an update with different chest sizes and what not but I kinda got distracted and forgot ALL about it. Well the update's been released! So now us femboys out there can have a curvy little mesh body to play with! YAY! This is kinda a quadruple store shout out! <3 I'm not a popular blogger and nor do I blog for any set stores...but I do like to throw out shout outs to lots of different creators cus they are just THAT awesome! <3<3<3<3
Special thanks to: <UTILIZATOR> (for making the Avatar 2.0 and all the clothing bases you'll see in my photos <3), Chus! (for making the friggen ADORABLE eyes I'm wearing in the shots), [LCKY] (I used their hair in the three shots of the avatar. Their rigged mesh hairs worked on the default 2.0 head with absolutely NO issues. Plus they are super cute! Do I need to say anything else? XD <3), and finally [ma ko pa]! <3 When I bought the Avatar 2.0 I instantly started the hunt for skin mods. I was instantly drawn to [ma ko pa]'s marketplace store. Their Femboy Skin Mods are SO cute and well made! They have all the skin mods to match the skin preset of <UTILIZATOR>'s M3 Mesh Anime Head and Default 2.0 head. They also offer two different nipple sizes aside from the default one (small and medium, I went with small <3) as well as less defined muscle tones! Oh and did I mention they also work with the U&A mesh male body? AND WAIT THERE'S MORE! Included in your purchase is a note card with instructions on how to texture the RUT Joystick(I won't go into detail about what this is due to it being of mature content. TRYING TO KEEP IT SOMEWHAT CLEAN HERE! XD Just search it in the SL Marketplace and you'll find it no problem!) to match your favorite skin! Aside from skin mods they offer clothing mods for some of <UTILIZATOR>'s clothing for the 2.0, which I'll be sharing two of today (one being a group gift) and a bracelet texture!
Here we have the Light2 Skin mod! <3 When modding this don't freak out when you don't see much of a change. The only changes you'll actually see are in the torso area. When you buy the 2.0 this is it's default skin tone.
This is the Med2 Skin mod! Just to let you guys know before anyone goes to the creator going HOW COME THIS ISN'T TEXTURING THE HEAD?!!?!?!?!?!? It's because it's a BODY TEXTURE ONLY! If you unbox your -Bonus Items- box in the Avatar 2.0 folder you'll find other skin tones with head textures! Please read all your instructions carefully before contacting a creator with a issue that could easily be solved by reading note cards included with your purchases. :O
And finally this one is the Dark2 Skin mod <3! The texture of this shirt was a group gift <3!
Hey hey, I took a small break from the blogie scene for a bit to wrap my head around some stuff and to spend time with my husband. He had FOUR days off and it was fantastic. But I'm back with coverage of a new event that opened up a little while ago. *{ TheSeasonsStory }* was the name. I'm not sure when it closes sadly but it's still open as of now so don't fret! It took me spam teleporting just to get in the first time I went. The first time I went I was less than impressed (probably due to the energy I had put in just to get IN to the event), but my second time in I went there with a totally different mindset and found a lot of really great stuff! So check it out~!
What better way to celebrate spring then to use a wood nymph for your pics? |D <3
My finds~
- Hoodie: Bunny Bomber in MintxPink by .tsg.
- Bag: Meimei Satchel Gatcha in D Floral (RARE) by /XIA/
- Flower: Romantic Bouquet Gatcha in Packing 1 by VCO
- Nails: #S004 Fleur in blue? by *CaNDy NaiL* (PLEASE NOTE! THIS NAILS ARE FOR SLINK HANDS ONLY!!!!)
- Floral Headband: Pimflette Elegance (customized via HUD-included in box) by . a i s l i n g.
- Small Flower Choker (Not the red one but the yellow one underneath it): Spring Flowers Choker in Light Petals by [Buzz]
- Lip Gloss: Acacia Lip in Coral NT by *(OO)*YUKI
- Flower Leg Tattoo: Haru Haru Set in Daisy 1 by NEO**
Well that's all I have y'all for now! Go check out *{ TheSeasonsStory }* before it ends!
Hello hello again~ It's getting to really feel like spring outside here where I am. * o * It's AMAZING! Spring and the fall are my two favorite seasons. The weather is always moderate in temperature and the plants and trees look so pretty. * 3 * And SL seems to be suffering from spring fever too! So many spring themed events are popping up left and right! Although the event I'm covering today is not a spring themed event many of the outfits I saw where spring-like in nature~<3 Japan fair started on the 5th of this month and only goes to the 20th! So you're running out of time!! D: Hurry go check it out!!! AHHHHH! -insert coffee fueled sense of urgency here-'s what I picked up from the event! Enjoy~<3
Ok so you guys should know the drill by now.....but for the last time (I PROMISE ; A ;) I'm only listing what you can get at the fair. <3
- Blouse and Skirt combo: Sweet Blouse 'Vanilla'- Ivory set by *G Field*. This cute outfit also has a black and white version. The best thing about this wonderful product is that it comes with a flat chested version. :O You rarely see that in rigged mesh clothes. I love *G Field* to begin with~<3
- Shoes: Short Boots (rigged-mesh version) in Camel by S@BBiA::. You can buy these cute little boots in just one color or if you can't make up your mind like me, you can also buy the color change pack. It includes one rigged mesh pair and one un-rigged mesh pair, plus the color change HUD. It was a great buy!
- Shoulder Bag: Straw Shoulder bag in brown? by S@BBiA::. This bag comes with one rigged version and one un-rigged version, plus color change HUD. So basically you get one really cute bag in all the colors for one low price! What a steal!
Well that's it~! There was a lot there, these are just my favorite pieces that I got! Like I said you're running out of time so head on over there before the 20th! Theres so much neat stuff!!
So anyone else a big Sailor Moon fan? I know I sure am....even growing up as a kid I loved it. XD At the beginning of the month the Cutie Moon Fair opened up to celebrate all things Sailor Moon. Hnnng~<3 It was aborable....I wanted to buy EVERYTHING and I almost did;;; Every single designer there did a fantastic job with each of their products. I loved the fair and loved every piece I bought from there. <3 Now again I got a lot so I'll try to keep it short;;;; <3
Caxy as Sailor moon! For those who really don't know me Caxy is my persona. ; 3 ; Now again I'm only going to list the items I got at the fair. If you want to know the other things I'm wearing just IM me in SL.
- Hair-Roise Moon Hair in Tangled Candies (still version) by .Olive.
- Earrings and ring on right- Prism Power Jewelry in Moon by .tsg.
- Necklace- Lunar Crisis Compacts by .tsg.
- Stockings- Scout Stockings in Moon by .Atomic. (bows included)
- Ring and bracelet on left- The Scout's Tiara Sets in Moon by .Olive.
- Wand- Spiral Heart Rod in Moon by .tsg.
- Mouthie- Disguise Pen by .tsg.
- Computer- Cutie Moon Computer by *MishMish*
- Floating cat- Lunar Kittens (Black Pack) by Birdy/Alchemy
- Dress- Eternal Uniforms in Moon by Violent Seduction *note this item is Fitted Mesh. Only updated viewers can use this object. Fitted Mesh does not give me boobs what you are seeing is just the shading. If you saw this in world it does indeed go flat~<3*

- Dresses from left to right: Eternal Uniform in Mercury, Saturn, and Mars by Violent Seduction
- Wands from left to right: Spiral Heart Rods in Mercury, Saturn, and Mars by .tsg.
- Earrings from left to right: Prism Power Jewelry in Mercury, Saturn, and Mars by .tsg.
- Stockings from left to right: Scout Stockings in Mercury, Saturn, and Mars by .Atomic.
- Bracelets and gold rings (can't really be seen but each boy is wearing them)-Scout's Tiara sets in Mercury, Saturn and Mars by .Olive.
- Bags (only in left and right)- Scout Bag Gatchas in #2 on left and #3 on right
- Hair (middle only)- Moon Hair in Spring pack by ~Tableau Vivant~
- Heels- Venus Heels in Cloud (TINTED) by fri.
- Head Signs (again each character is wearing one but can't really be seen)- Astro Glyphs in Mercury, Saturn and Mars by NOX
- Hair bow (right only)- Bright Bows in Sun Tomato Bow by ~_* Cooties *_~

- Dresses from left to right: Eternal Uniform in Uranus, Neptune and Chibi Moon by Violent Seduction
- Wands from left to right: Spiral Heart Rods in Uranus, Neptune and Chibi Moon by .tsg.
- Earrings from left to right: Prism Power Jewelry in Uranus, Neptune and Chibi Moon by .tsg.
- Stockings (Right only; had to mix and match for the left and middle one): Scout Stockings in Chibi by .Atomic.
- Bracelets and gold rings (can't really be seen but each boy is wearing them)-Scout's Tiara sets in Uranus, Neptune and Chibi by .Olive.
- Bag (only in right)- Scout Bag Gatchas #6 by .Atomic.
- Heels- Venus Heels in Cloud (TINTED) by fri.
- Head Signs (again each character is wearing one but can't really be seen)- Astro Glyphs in Uranus, Neptune and Chibi by NOX
- Hair bow (left only)- Bright Bows in Heart Gold Bow by ~_* Cooties *_~

- Dresses from left to right: Eternal Uniform in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus by Violent Seduction
- Wands from left to right: Spiral Heart Rods in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus by .tsg.
- Earrings from left to right: Prism Power Jewelry in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus by .tsg.
- Stockings: Scout Stockings in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus by .Atomic.
- Bracelets and gold rings (can't really be seen but each boy is wearing them)-Scout's Tiara sets in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus by .Olive.
- Bag (only in middle and right)- Scout Bag Gatchas #5 in the middle and #4 on the right
- Heels- Venus Heels in Cloud (TINTED) by fri.
- Head Signs (again each character is wearing one but can't really be seen)- Astro Glyphs in Pluto, Jupiter and Venus
- Floating Cat- Lunar Kittens White Pack by Birdy/Alchemy
~_* Cooties *_~,
~Tableau Vivant~,
Cutie Moon Fair,
Violent Seduction